Thursday, August 17, 2006

See you lator Alligator

We didn't see any gators, but we did go Caiman watching one night and everyone else in the boat saw caimans. We weren't lucky enough to see them. We did see river dolphins, which was very cool. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures, but we will definitely remember them. I didn't even know they existed before we visited the Amazon. They were the pink variety and jumped up plenty for us to see, though not quite as high as the dolphins we know in the oceans.

In the town, we climbed up onto a big outlook tower and could pretty much see the whole town from here and a beautiful sunset over the river. There was one big open gymnasium looking place that had power hooked up to it, and that was apparently a big deal there. They said they had celebrations here at times. There was a volleyball net inside and some of our group played with kids in there. They next played soccer out in the field next to this building. I saw the cutest little girl at the edge of the building when I had climbed up and took a picture of her so that I could show it when I got back down. I think she was confused at first, but when I took a picture of she and her friend closer up, they just smiled and smiled. They played with my camera, looking at pictures until the battery ran out. They talked to me as well as we could talk with my little Spanish for quite a long time. They were super cute!

It was nice to be out in the rainforest again and see so much green and wildlife. It didn't compare to the things we saw in Costa Rica, but it was a nice experience to be in the Amazon anyway. We did see a couple of monkeys, but only from far away - nothing like in Costa Rica. I'd probably recommend that you use a different group because our tour, though nice, seemed a bit unorganized through the whole thing. We did have a guide who was new to this company, so that could have added to it. I don't remember the name of the tour company, but I will find out and update accordingly.

It was also nice to be so far out there, but the boat ride back was 6 hours since we were going upstream, and then the 2 hour bus ride and again a 30 minute plane ride. Needless to say, we were exhausted when we got back.

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