Monday, March 31, 2008

Help out a Friend in Need

The new company that I work for, BD does a great service to medically underserved countries in Africa. They do a great deal of support through the organization called Direct Relief. We have a number of employees from our company over in Ghana right now giving medical aid to people who severely need it. An except from the website reads:
During this trip, a particularly important project is the installation of BioSand Water Filters in the clinics and outlying villages where BD associates are volunteering. These simple, economic and highly effective filters instantly produce clean water. An estimated one billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water — including nearly 40% of those living in rural Ghana. Simple solutions
like the BioSand filter are crucial.

I donated $25 for one of these fileters that can provide clean water for a whole community. I wanted to post this here in case anyone else wants to do the same. To read more about this and to donate, you can visit:

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