Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It was really great to be back in the US to visit friends and family. Scott went our separate ways for a couple of weeks to save time and I got to catch up with my peeps. Here I am in San Diego for a welcome back dinner - thanks guys!

I drove down to Louisiana to visit my Papa and other family and it was really great to see them all. It's a different world out there in the country and felt good to be in a place where people know how to relax. I had huge culture shock after the Latin America trip coming back to US cities where everyone is so busy and always seem stressed out. This was a good break from that.

I of course got to see Nancy and Jackie in Chattanooga and even played Rook with Nancy's mom one night. I love having game-playing families!

I also visited with Jennifer and her 4 cuties. Here you can see her with Toby and Casia. Look how much Casia is growing - she looks just like her mom!

I drove out to Charleston to see Tara and her new home. She is doing so much work with it - I was totally impressed! She took me on a little tour of Charleston and I just fell in love with it - old houses are incredible! You can see rainbow row here, which is the longest cluster of intact Georgian row houses in the US. The earliest structures here were built before 1680, but because of fire many had to be rebuilt. They were rebuilt in the 1700's and are a beautiful site to see.

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