Sunday, July 09, 2006

Volcan San Pedro

If you are thinking of ever climbing the San Pedro volcano, just take it from us - don´t. This was the hardest physical thing I have ever done, and I´ve freakin run a marathon and climbed the highest mountain in the continental US. Granted, I trained for those other things and not for this, but this was crazy. They don´t believe in switchbacks here, apparently because the entire hike was straight up. To give you an idea of what we did, we went from 1610m at the town of San Pedro to 3024m at the top of the volcano. In feet, imagine this - we traveled approximately 14,500 ft and had an evelation gain of about 4650 ft - in 4 hours!

On top of that, we had the craziest guide (guia loco). He was practically running up the volcano and never wanted to take a break. We were all dying until we got to the top. It wasn´t even an enjoyable experience walking up because it was SO HARD! Once we finally got to the top, which was supposed to have an amazing view... it was completely clouded out. This was not what we hoped to see after making that tough trek, as you can probably imagine.

In positive news, though, the clouds did move out for a couple of minutes and we were able to see a bit of a view. There were also gorgeous views on the way up with the sun rising and on the way down with everything in full sunlight. We met some cool people along the way, a couple of girls from San Diego and a couple from Boulder, so that definitely made it more worth it.

Hi guys if you are reading! You can leave your comments too about how much you loved the hike. :D There was the cutest dog that showed up at the office at 6AM before we left and he did the entire hike with us. He´s homeless and apparently, he shows up every morning to do that hike - he was in great shape!

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