Monday, August 20, 2007

AFC Half Marathon

I decided to run America's Finest City (AFC) Half Marathon on San Diego's HOTTEST day! It's a great route with some beautiful views and Kristin and Wil came in town to run it too, so that made it extra special. Did I mention how HOT it was? When I came into the finish, I saw Scott with Greg who finished before me. I gave Scott a huge, wet hug for meeting me there.

After the race, Kristin, Will, Scott and I went over to Coronado and had lunch and some really yummy ice cream at the Hotel Del. I think that's the only reason Kristin really wanted to go there, though she said it was for the views too.


Anonymous said...

Man, you look great after 13.1 miles! I look like hell after 3. Congrats to you, Kristin, Will, and Greg for running the AFC half and for doing it on THE hottest day.

katie said...

when's the KFC run? congrats!

Anonymous said...

No, you did not say precisely how hot is was. Actally, we are proud of you no matter how hot it was. - Love, Glen

Anonymous said...

You could have run the Alaskan half-Marathan in 20 degree weather, and it still would have been awesome. Anyone who runs 13.1 miles is a STAR ATHLETE with tenacity, durability and wonderfully tuned bodies!

Love....Momma Mia