Sunday, November 26, 2006


I had a great Thanksgiving this year with good friends and even better food! Well, I guess I shouldn't say that. ;-) Here are Katie and Kris getting ready in the kitchen and sneaking some food while at it. There was a great "sushi" dish brought made of twinkies, fruit roll-ups and gummy fruit - how creative!

Kris and Alex have a turkey fryer and fried us a turkey. It was so moist and yummy! Here is my new FUN scarf that Katie made - Thanks Katie!

Josh, Scott and I were on the green team. :D The Japanese girls really loved the turkey. They ate it down to the carcass!

Then came the unpleasant, but necessary task of cleaning - I was the photographer during this activity. ;-)

Everyone started to get quite tired from the huge meal. Alex and I, however found a new game that kept us going until late into the morning!


Anonymous said...

What is the game? Name that Tune? - Glen

Tiffany McAninch said...

It's a game for the Playstation where you hook up a guitar and have to hit the right notes at the right time in order to pass a song. Very similar to Dance, dance revolution, which I have - but with a guitar - FUN!