Since I had the camera, I wasn't able to get any pictures of the sea lions with myself and the one of Scott with the sea lions is a very unfavorable position, so I'm including some pictures of others from our group to show how close these lovely creatures would get.

In one of the locations we snorkled (on the West Coast), there were many feeding marine iguanas on the bottom of the floor as well. This was in the same location where we saw them all laying out and spitting at us (desalinating) at other times of the day. It was very cool to see them underwater as well.

I was also fortunate enough to see birds diving under the water! This is the flightless cormorant that you saw earlier in the video. They would just dive down with their whole bodies under the water for hunting.

On one underwater outing, Scott came neck to neck with the big daddy - the huge sea lion that ruled the beach where we were snorking. We weren't supposed to get close to him because he is guarding the beach and all of the other sea lions, but he came right up close to Scott. We could hear him barking all day from the water and land and it wasn't a friendly bark that made you think - let's play!

Again, I'm not sure what this fish it, but it was so colorful. Among other fish that we saw but didn't get good photos of...
My favorite was the Giant Damselfish. We saw these all over and they had a light blue color with a dark blue outline. We also saw these in either Costa Rica or Panama. They are difficult to photo because they quickly swim under the coral. We also saw Yellowtail Scads, Black Striped Salemas, Camotillo (had huge bottom lips), Panamic Graylsays, Flag Cabrillas, Creole fish, Blue-chin Parrotfish, Cardinal fish, Porcupine fish, Yellow Puffers, Reef cornet (very long and skinny), Tunas, and many more!

To end with the underwater adventure, here's another great turtle (honu for Katie!).
1 comment:
Those are parrotfish too. Great pics!
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