We of course saw many different spiders all over the jungle, including this one here. It's amazing how much less they scare me now! Of course, I wouldn't go up and touch it or anything.

They also have the biggest ants in the Amazon, called Conga Ants. You would not believe how huge these things are - the picture doesn't do it justice. Apparently, they give a pretty painful bite too!

Huge spiders and tiny frogs. How anyone spotted this frog is beyond me, but you can tell by the hand here how tiny it was.

There were of course beautiful butterflies too!

Our local guide took some palm leaves that we saw along the way and started making something. It wasn't until he finished that we saw it was a broom - how useful the forest is!

We have one crazy Israeli guy in our group who kept leaving the path and running around back in the forest alone. We thought he was nuts because of all the creepy crawlies out there. One day when we was running around, a huge bird flew out of the trees. Apparently, he scared off a Great Tinamou. It was nesting and we walked over and saw the beautiful blue eggs of this large bird. The local guide said that the eggs will likely die because once the mother leaves the nest, she does not usually come back. :(

We did a night hike and saw even more creatures as this is when they usually come out. Here is a huge scorpion and its prey.
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