Our next stop was near the city of Ica to a little town called Huacachina. This is the place where you go sandboarding. Yep - you heard me right. Getting on a board and riding down huge sand dunes. Sounds just like snowboarding, right? Well yeah, sort of. But the boards aren't as good and the sand is a little rougher. But the boarding I didn't mind (of course I stayed on my stomach the whole time too, whereas Scott went down on his feet). I was howerver TERRIFIED of riding in the damn dune buggies. They were these huge things with 3 rows and Scott and I were in the back. The guy (that really evil looking on on the right) driving was insane. Everyone else in the buggy of course loved it. But not me. I was in full out panic mode. To the point where we had to yell at him to stop and let me out. Yep, I was the big dork that everyone else hated. The sand dunes were beautiful though and being out on them was cool - I woud have just preferred to walk along them. But enough of my panic mode - enjoy the pictures!

We also went to a couple of nearby wineries to try their wine and famous Pisco. Pisco is a liquor made from grapes that is made in this region. It tastes a little like a combination between vodka and tequila. A little too strong for my tastes! The drink that everyone has in Peru is the Pisco Sour, which is much more yummy. We learned about how they make their wines and the Pisco here and did some tastings. They showed us the grounds where they stomp on the grapes, but it wasn't the right season so we just had to use our imaginations. These barrels were all full of some of their spirits. We even got to pour a taste for ourselves using bamboo.

We stayed at a hostal in Huacachina that had the greatest assortment of birds living on their ground. Beautiful parrots that made lots of noises for us. These two were especially excited and came and jumped up on a chair right next to us. Enjoy the lovely and very loud songs.
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