We left our home for the last 6 nights today and just in time. We had 3 scorpions in our room last night! After dealing with 2 spiders on me the other day and these 3 scorpions, I think we are starting to see the real Costa Rica. We see amazing and colorful lizards and iguanas and birds, though which are awesome. This was an iguana that we passed just walking down the street! It´s great to be in a place that has so many creatures living all around you. We´ll just have to get tough with the scorpions, I guess. These are pics from our cabinas that we stayed in. It was a great place to spend our first week.

Mmmm scorpion for lunch! Have fun at the next stop.
Scorpions make you hot. Is that your sign?
Once they bite you, you are immune to bugs.
Love..Momma Mia
You moved to Africa?
Hey Tiff ~
Glad to hear you made it through stop #1..now on to the next adventure. Hopefully your next destination will be more scorpion-free.
Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! - Glen
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