I'm very behind on blogging because we took an amazing vacation in January and I haven't even blogged about it! I knew it would take much too long to put together a full blog (I am planning a wedding, you know), so I loaded the pictures to Kodak Gallery and you can get them in the link below. Of course, the best picture (well, cheesiest) is loaded. :-)
We flew into Calgary, Alberta (in Canada if you weren't sure) and immediately went into Banff. We spent a few days there touring around and skiing. We then headed off to Kicking Horse where the boys (it was Scott, myself and two other guys) went skiing and I recovered from being sore. We then went to Revelstoke which was definitely the most amazing ski resort I have ever been to. I went on one run (of course the easiest) that was 10.5 miles long! This mountain is beautiful and no one knows about it so it's virtually empty - amazing! We then headed to the town of Nelson in British Columbia just to check it out. The last stop was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming because Brian, one of Scott's friends lives there and he was traveling with us. I absolutely love Jackson Hole and this time was no exception. The trip was great, except for me getting an aweful cold and having to travel with 3 boys the whole time. ;-) Great guys though, for sure.
Pictures from our trip
So, as far as life is concerned.... as you may have noticed from my last post, I'M ENGAGED!!!! It's looking like the wedding will be in early October, though we're trying to nail that down now. It's going to be a beach wedding at sunset and I can't wait! Scott is amazing and I feel very lucky to have found him and now be engaged to him! More on all of that later.
Hurrah! I am looking forward to the wedding! Uncle Glen
Stumbled on your blog... Wow! That place is gorgeous! I've always wanted to get up to Canada - so many beautiful places (especially in winter).
Congrats on getting engaged!!!
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