Saturday, August 09, 2008


As I mentioned in the Telluride post, we met these biker guys one night outside of the girls' house and they ended up hanging out with us all night and added so much to our evening! They were riding to raise money for an organization called Accion. This organization is in microfinance and works to improve international economic development. From what I understand, it's very similar to Kiva, which I think I've already posted about previously and have given money to. I think it's a GREAT way to support people in other countries who have very little because instead of giving them things, which can lead to dependence on help, they lend money so that people can start their own microbusinesses. This helps them get started, which they normally never could with no start-up money and teaches independence and a way to move away from poverty. Visit their website: to learn more and to donate - I definitely am going to! These guys have their own website as well: with a great video of them on the front page.

The mission from their website:

The mission of ACCION International is to give people the tools they need to work their way out of poverty. By providing microloans, business training and other financial services to poor men and women who start their own businesses, ACCION's partner lending organizations help people work their own way up the economic ladder, with dignity and pride. With just a little capital, people can grow their own businesses. They can earn enough to afford basics like running water, better food and schooling for their children.

In a world where three billion people live on less than $2 a day, it is not enough to help 1,000 or even 100,000 individuals. ACCION’s goal is to bring microfinance to tens of millions of people – enough to truly change the world. We know that there will never be enough donations to do this. That's why ACCION has created an anti-poverty strategy that is permanent and self-sustaining.

Anyway, these 6 guys were riding across the country to raise money for this organization and they almost all had recently graduated from college or were about to. We saw them out on the street passing by and were about to bring a keg into the house when the girls asked if they could help in exchange for free beer. They came in and hung out all night and Kristin made them tons of leftover food. But really, I think they gave so much to us just in their conversation. They were the nicest guys and had thought so much about life. They had already ridden from the East Coast to Telluride and still had until the West Coast to go. Very inspirational young men. I strongly urge you to take part in this organization! Just today, I received an e-mail from the loan I had donated to a Peruvian family through Kiva that they had paid it all back and I was able to take that same money and then donate to another family. It's so useful and will make you feel great!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tiffany, Freddy just sent me the link to your blog. It's so great to look back to our fun time in Telluride. It sounds like you had a really fun trip, too. I can't believe you love Delirium. I had never seen it in the US until this summer and lately I've seen it a lot more. It's so good. Freddy and Bryan went abroad to Brussels and took me to the Delirium bar which has the world record for most beers on their menu (it's like a book with thousands of beers offered). I had one at a great bar in NYC last week and loved it. Thanks so much for the fun time in Telluride and the help promoting ACCION! - Tyler