They're not really old (or else I'm old!), but they are friends from my past that I got to spend time with again - how exciting! Ian's mom and mine met during lamaze class and spent a lot of time with each other while Ian and I were babies - I even have a picture of Ian and I sitting on a piano naked as babies, playing. Too funny! Anyway, we grew up together in the same neighborhood, same grade school and even high school. We didn't stay in very good contact in high school and after, as people often grow apart, but we've come back in contact through the great new tools of the Internet! Ian married Susan, who went to the same church as I grew up in. What a small world! They have a beautiful little baby named Olivia and I just loved watching her while they were out here visiting. She did nothing but smile the whole time she was here - such an angel. It was really great to catch up with them out here while Ian was here for work anyway. Thanks so much for taking time to spend with me guys - such a joy to have you here!
Tiffany - is this the Ian that had white hair and is the same age as you???? He looks so different than the last time I saw him when he was one year old! owell.
Nancy Kaye
It was great to see you again, too! Our families were so happy to hear about how you were doing and see all of the pics from our time with you. Olivia and I had a good time and I know Ian was over the moon to finally see you again.
Nancy - I'm very likely the same Ian with white hair! And yes, Tiffany and I are all of 2 (?) weeks apart in age.... which means her birthday is soon... a very special birthday!
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