We next took off in our super hot PT Cruiser (along with the hot girl attached) and went on our way to Yellowstone National Park. I was excited to go because it's Yellowstone and you always hear that it's the best park in the US, but I was not even prepared for how amazing it would be. We started off visiting the geysers, which cover a pretty large part of the SouthEastern area of the park. The colors created by all of the chemicals were beautiful and the geysers were crazy. Old Faithful was one we of course had to stop at and it was pretty amazing, but all of the people around made it a little less exciting and natural-feeling. You can see more in the video at the bottom.
We saw lots of animals, including deer, buffalo, a black bear, a baby big-horn sheep and others not shown here. I really wanted to see a moose, but we didn't catch sight of one of these. The bear was super exciting though and they even had a forest ranger there for safe-keeping. Apparently, she is un-fazed by humans and at times just walks right across the road and people get too close to her and freak her out. I had never seen a bear before, so this was really exciting. I think our friend Charlie probably has better pictures of her, but he hasn't shared them with us yet.
Not only do you see geysers and awesome animals in Yellowstone, but you see almost every sort of landscape imaginable. We stopped at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and it was sooo beautiful! The big one is my favorite picture that I took on the trip (but keep in mind that a lot of these other great ones are from Scott). There were also awesome lakes and mountains and fields and waterfalls and everything you can possibly imagine in the park. At one point, it was 92 degrees and pretty warm. Suddenly, a storm came upon us and then we started climbing in elevation and within an hour, the temperature dropped to 67 - craziness!
Did you see Yogi and Boo Boo?
That guyser was letting off some major steam - I felt like that this weekend.
Nancy Kaye
I love Yellowstone... I got to go a number of times in high school because dad used to go fishing out there yearly.
I'm so jealous...
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