A couple of days before Christmas, Scott and I went up to LA and met Kim and her boyfriend in Venice Beach. Scott and I had a nice day walking around the beach, watching the weirdos on the boardwalk. We had a great dinner with them, too before heading back to wonderful San Diego. Being in LA really makes me thankful that I live in San Diego.
On Christmas Eve, I made my first ever turkey, along with a lot of yummy sides and a pecan pie. It was great! Unfortunately, there were only Scott and I here to enjoy, but we stuffed ourselves and enjoyed it plenty.
Here is our beautiful tree and each of us opening gifts on Christmas day. Yep - that's a new IPOD Nano that I'm holding - FUN!
yay! merry christmas, tiff and scott!!
That turkey looks like you pulled it right out of your womb...looks a little like a real baby..YIKES.
Ha! It took us both 29 years to gather the courage to cook our own turkey dinner! I did my first at Thanksgiving, so I technically beat you. :P
However, we are both awesome, so they came out well.
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