Since the blog is only about a year old, I am adding pictures of my costumes for the last 6 years. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I absolutely love to dress up.
This year, I was Pippi Longstocking. Everyone loved the costume because it brought back memories of their childhoods.
Last year I was a house plant. Random? I know.
In 2004, I was Mary Catherine Gallagher from Saturday Night Live and Superstar. "Sometimes, when I get real nervous...."
In 2003, I was Ozzy Osbourne.
In 2002, I was a tacky tourist.
In 2001, I was Jelly in the duo of peanut butter and jelly.
In 2000, the first year I got out of California, I was a genie.
so happy to share them all with you! let's see more '06! :)
seems like i missed the majority of these. cute compilation!
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