The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
When I first started reading this book, I knew that it was going to be a mindless read. But I couldn't put it down! I didn't learn anything about life or myself or the world around me reading this book, but I thoroughly enjoyed it to just read and escape from whatever was around me. I can't wait to see the movie that is coming out soon! Not recommended for males. Great, quick read for females.

Good Harbor by Anita Diamant
I had read Anita Diamante's 'The Red Tent' and really loved it, so decided to pick up this book along my travels. It was pretty good, but not near as good as 'The Red Tent'. It's also a woman only book and is a good book for middle-aged women or older women with families.

Night by Elie Wiesel
This is a very explicit book about the Holocaust. It won a Pulitzer Prize, so I expected a lot from reading the book. Scott has already reviewed this book on the blog site back in June, but I have since read it and wanted to add my thoughts. It is worth reading, but I did not think it was really much different from any of the other Holocaust books or movies that I have seen. I would recommend the book, but don't expect to see much else if you have done much reading on the Holocaust previously.

I, Rigoberta Menchu, an Indian Woman in Guatemala
This book was very interesting to me since I had just visited Guatemala. It is not well written, especially in English, but it has a wealth of information to learn about Guatemala and its past. The way that Rigoberta Menchu grew up and the things she experienced will be very interesting to anyone who likes to learn about different cultures. Don't expect a wonderful literary read, but do expect a great informational and emotional read.

The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh
This was a really though-provoking book to read. It is by a Buddhist Monk and gives you some very simple, but worthwhile things to think about in your daily life. For example, he tell you to not waste any moments of you life, but to be mindfull in every moment. Even when washing the dishes, you should concentrate on the fact that you are washing the dishes. Do not think about being finished with this activity or think about what you are going to do next, but concentrate on what you are doing in the present moment. Otherwise, you are wasting your moments by thinking of what you will be doing next. I have been able to put a lot of the practices in this book to work and feel that I have a much more peaceful life because of it.

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Scott has also already reviewed this book, but I wanted to add my thoughts here as well. This was a really excellent book. Especially if you have seen the movie Capote, this book is a good one to read to see the work that was created from the story told in the movie. It is a great read for all ages and sexes. I expected it to be more boring and difficult to read because Capote is so artsy, but it was quite interesting and easy to read. I definitely recommend this for just about anyone.

Dry by Augusten Burroughs
Augusten Burroughs is one of my new favorite authors. I had read his Running with Scissors and enjoyed it, but I enjoyed Dry even a lot more. His writing style is so fun to read and makes you laugh, but also feel emotionally involved in his book. This book is about his struggle with alcohol and getting over it. Whether you drink or not, this is a great read. I'm looking forward to reading more and more by this author.

Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Scott will add more thoughts on this book, but I wanted to add that it is an interesting one to read. Whatever your profession, be it marketing, teaching, research, etc., this book can give you new ideas for how to get things done in work and in your life. It speaks of the factors that go into giving the turning point, or tipping point, for huge epidemics, be they sicknesses, social epidemics, marketing successes, etc. It's a short book and a fun and educational read.

Collapse by Jared Diamond
Scott will also give a better review of this one, but I am currently reading it and am really enjoying all of the information that I'm learning. The reading is a bit difficult because it deals with so much information, but I will know a lot more about the world around me by the time I am finished. The book deals with collapses of societies in the past and present and talks about the reasons, including social and environmental factors. I think everyone in the world should become more educated on these things so that we can learn to conserve our resources for a better future.
1 comment:
I enjoyed the "Prada" movie, especially Streep. I also eat quiche. I appreciated both Capote and "In Cold Blood," which I read in my 20's. I am reading Tom Friedman's "The World is Flat" an interesting perspective on changes brought on by technology and globalization. - Glen
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