The next morning, we went to the market (mercado) in Santiago, which is the next town over on the lake. It was very much a traditional market for locals, where they sold absolutely everything. They had typical things like what we have at our markets, for example fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. But they also had everything else you can imagine, like toiletries, clothes, shoes, raw meat hanging everywhere, hair things, and even animals! They sold chicks, chickens, rooster, and puppies all over. When a chick or other animal would run away, they would have to run after it and grab it, so they didn´t loose out on their profits. Scott told me he would love me more if I wrestled a rooster right then and there, but I decided the love he already has would have to be enough. There was a woman on our boatride back who had bought a rooster and had it tied up by the feet and laid it down at the base of the boat. When the poor rooster woke up, it started squawking like crazy - it didn´t know where it was! It was amazing to see all of the things that everyone carried around. All of the women would carry large amounts of things balanced on their heads - absolutely amazing! We saw young girls carrying things on their heads too, so they must learn this incredible balance from a very early age. We saw men coming off the boat after shopping at the market with tons of things strapped to their backs to carry home. These are some strong people!

We also went to see the local diety called Maximòn (mah-shee-mohn). It was a ridiculous looking thing with tons of expensive clothes, hats and a cigar hanging out of his mouth. People come in large numbers - tourists to see what he is all about and locals to give gifts up to this god. They believe that they will have very good luck if they give money, cigars, flowers and other offerings to Maximón. We had a cute little local boy take us to see him. I had a big bunch of flowers in my hands that I had bought for Vicenta, the mother in the house where we were staying. The guy that was in charge of Maximón thought I had brought them for the god and he tried to take them away from me! He was pretty upset when I grabbed them back from him.

We finished up with our lessons and had to say goodbye to Angelina and Letty. They were great and helped us so much to learn more Spanish. You can see the 4 of us here saying goodbye. I was finally able, too to get a picture of some of these skirts - amazing, eh!?
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