Monday, January 05, 2009
Merry Christmas 2008!
We had a wonderful Christmas here in San Diego and it was the first time I've hosted other people - I loved it! My turkey was a bit disastrous because the pan had a hole in it so what was supposed to be my super juicy slow-overnight-cooked turkey became a bit dryer (but not too bad) with all of its juices in the oven and on the floor. I saved it in the last hours (Thanks Nancy and Audrey!) and it was not too bad. The sweet potato casserole wasn't as good as it should've been because white sweet potatoes have a bit of a funny taste. Everything else was yummy though (especially Scott's stuffing!) We (Scott, Craig and I) got Rock Band from their parents for Christmas, so we spent much of the afternoon playing. Houston was with us and loved dancing while we played and even playing drums himself! Oh, here's a picture here because you have to check out Scott's mom's adorable Christmas slippers - I loved them! Also, the two boys (Scott's brother and dad) did not fall asleep on couches on the same night, but it was funny nonetheless that I caught them both.

Sea World and the Zoo
Scott's parents were here the week of Christmas and it was so nice and relaxing not to have to travel anywhere ourselves! We also got to do fun touristy things that we don't do often enough living here. Included.... Sea World and the Zoo (separate days of course!). Both visits were wonderful and the animals all behaved lovely for us! The zoo was especially exciting because Scott and I go at least a few times a year and this time the animals were way more active than usual! This includes Pandas (with the baby - a big bundle of joy!), Koalas (another baby!), Polar Bears, HUGE rat-eating birds (actually called a Harpy Eagle and they can eat monkeys!), wild cats etc. At Sea World, my favorite was that the dolphins would come up to the window and talk to us - really talk to us! Hopefully you can hear it in the video. You HAVE to watch the videos (there are two because Movie Maker was being a pain) especially if you have kids - they show all the best things from Sea World and the Zoo all in just a few minutes!! :-) Oh, if anyone has an idea what plant that Scott's mom and dad are standing in front of, let me know - it was Scott's mom's favorite, but I'm not sure what it is.