Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!

In lieu of sending out Christmas cards this year, I've decided to just post my Christmas card on the blog site. This is the picture that I had planned to send out to everyone, but I hope seeing it here is just as enjoyable! It was taken when we were in Teton National Park this last summer. I hope you all have absolutely splendid Holidays. Please try to take some time, rest and really revel in the beauty of family and friends. Sometimes we can forget about that with all of the hustle and bustle of the season. Much love from Tiffany and Scott!

Here come the holidays...make them a little “greener”

All those holiday cards you receive from friends and family can pile up. They are great to receive and find out what your loved ones have been doing throughout the year, but after you read them what’s next?  Most of them either go in the trash or are recycled but there is another option.  Send the front of your holiday cards to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children.  The children from St. Jude’s care make and sell new cards from the old ones they receive.  Mail card fronts to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, 100 St. Jude’s Street. P.O. Box 60100, Boulder, City, Nevada, 89006.  It’s Easy Being Green By Crissy Trask Make a pact with your family this season that no one will buy any gifts for anyone, except for kids. Think before you shop...can you live without the hassle of shopping in the busiest time of the year? If you choose to buy gifts for everyone in your family, think before you  buy.   Make smart purchases, when buying something first think to  yourself, is this something they will use long term?   Are the materials this is packed with recyclable,  or is all of the packaging just going in the trash?   Can you purchase the same item more “green,” for example  can you buy an organic T-shirt rather than a non-organic T-shirt?   Did you know that cotton crops account for 25% of worldwide insecticide  use and more than 10% of the pesticides.    When you buy organic cotton you are not only supporting fair and ethical trade practices, but you are voting with your wallet.  With each purchase that you make that supports organic farming practices it informs the market that there is a demand for more organic items, and with this demand will come more organic products to choose from.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday party at Richard's

My boss, Richard had all of his team over for a traditional British Christmas dinner. We got to play with his robot, R2D2 (which we engineers quite enjoyed!) and eat a super yummy dinner. Thanks, Richard!

Annica comes to visit again!

Owen and Marta decided to trust us once again to take care of their adorable little Annica and we had so much fun! They told us that she's started to suffer from some separation troubles, but at first we decided that they just wished that she missed them. We realized about an hour later once she realized that her parents were truly gone that she really did miss them a lot! Overall, she was a little angel, though and we had a great time with her.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Skiing in Telluride!

I went to Telluride with Kristin, Nancy (Momma Mia) and Carol mainly for a girls trip and wedding planning for Kristin's wedding there in July. However, the snow was so great, we got a lot of skiing in as well! I don't think I've ever skiied on such great snow - so powdery and PERFECT consistency - I loved it! The views that we saw on the 2nd day when it cleared up were amazing too - what a great trip! I'm looking forward to going back in July - FUN!